Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I have wanted to be a lawyer for as long as I can remember but just recently I realized the type of law I would like to practice. I want to be a Human Rights attorney. I want to stand up for those who's human rights have been violated and who deserve someone on their side. I know that this profession will deal a lot with advocacy of important issues ( I already know mine will be equal access to a good education). So for this post I am sharing with you one way in which technology has helped tremendously with advocacy. The writers of these  were created to advocate for some of the issues currently within our society.  

Waiting For Superman
This is one of my favorite documentaries because it advocates 
for a better education system. It also explains the importance 
of a good education and how the only ones from inner-city neighborhoods 
that are afforded the opportunity at a good school are the ones that win 
a special lottery for a charter school. 

No Impact Man
This documentary was created by a man and his wife 
who decided to live a year not wasting anything. They didn't use 
elevators, plastic bottles, or garbage cans. They decided to 
see if it was possible to live in a world where nothing was 
wasted. And through the use of technology, this documentary, they 
were able to share their experience with the world. 

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